Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Tracks with feeling's

Incubus – Drive
This song always reminds me of my first year at college in Wakefield. I had left school and decided to go to Wakefield college rather than go to Pontefract with most of my friends. I knew no-one else on the course but soon made friends with people from Normanton. I couldn’t drive so I got a lift with them on a morning and this song is all they used to play, for what seemed to be the whole of the first year. I haven’t heard it for years and it does bring back some good memories.

Mark Ronson Amy Winehouse – Valerie
I don’t like this song because my girlfriends middle name is Valerie and I happened to mention that to my dad, so every time she sleeps over we are woken up in the morning with a very loud chorus of Valerie. It was quite funny the first time but after the 47th morning it has started to get to me. It should be interesting to see what ideas I come up with while this song is playing.

Green day - Time of your life
This is just a song for any occasion really. By this I mean I can listen to it no matter what kind of mood I’m in. It is quite an uplifting song and one many people will know.

I don’t really relate feelings to music that often. It has been quite hard picking the songs for this blog because I can either take music of leave it. It is just something that disrupts the silence in the car or background noise at work. I think listening to music while designing will be an interesting approach however, and, I am certainly looking forward to the next part of this assignment.


Chris Towell said...

I have a hard time explaining why songs mean things to me so I think I could have done it a bit better.

As for your song choices good choice with Green Day "Time of your Life" it's a brilliant song and shows that music doesn't have to be all heavy guitars to be good. It's different to Green Days usual music as well.

Valerie! Good song by the Zutons and actually the turning point to me liking them as I hated their first album but Valerie is a great track and I have to admit Amy Whinehouse does a good version of it.

Haven't heard the other song but I guess I eventually will. Good choices for songs.

Richard said...

It was a close call between Green day - Time of your life and Alter bridge - Metalingus in which to put on the blog, but I can still put this on the CD.

You will like the video too Chris! FFVII Advent Children is a great film.

Chris Towell said...

FFVII Advent Children is probably the best ever CGI film. When I watched it first time I honestly thought in places it was actors and not CGI.

Not heard the Alter Bridge song will look at the video when I get home.

Marc Pugh said...

Advent Children! I thought that I (and most probably Chris) would be the only person to have seen this.

It really is awesome. I cannot recall the song which you are talking about but I can easily find out.

Chris Towell said...

It's not a song from the film as I have the soundtrack. Most probably? Most definitely I bought it 2 days before it was meant to be released in the shops (from a shop).

I have seen the YouTube video and the song is really good. Works well with the video too.

I like the music from the film e.g. Those Who Fight Further when Bahamut is fighting Cloud & friends, and The Chase of the Highway which is obviously where Cloud is chasing... erm Kadaj.

Richard said...

It has been a while since I saw the film, when I saw it on your blog I typed it in You Tube to get a reminder of it and saw alterbrige and saw it was one of my favourite songs. They are a good band and seem to be even better live, although I have only seen clips on the net. They are playing in Manchester on the 20th of January next year though.

I grew up with Final Fantasy, although I haven�t played for a while it was probably the first game I ever got really into as a kid.

Suzanne Hullah said...

On the topic of final fantasy, advent children is a great film and one i've watched many times. I've played the games for years now so it was something that really appealed to me for months, maybe even a year before its release (thanks to the release date going back all the time!)

I really love the green day song that you have chosen and it's a song that many generations of people will have heard as i do believe it was originally an old country folk song done a few decades back.