Monday, February 19, 2007

Spelling Errors? No. Why not? (14th - 15th February)

The day for testing each others websites had arrived. I was quite looking forward to this not because of all the feedback I would be receiving but because I could have a good look at everyone else’s site. We arrived Wednesday morning and got straight on with it. I had designed a 3page feedback testing sheet which may have been bigger than was required.

We moved around the class clicking trough each others websites and completing the feedback forms. I was relieved to discover that most people were around the same stage as me, everything worked but the small details needed altering.

After the testing it was time to go through the results and try to decipher the important things that need changing to the less so. I found out that proof reading is something I need to do more as one of my questions was, “are there any spelling errors, if no why?” I got some strange comments about that question that made me laugh.

After dinner we had time to change all the things that were necessary from the feedback testing. I increased the cell padding to allow the text more room in the boxes and changed the sub headline box. I think all that is left to do for the website now is proof read everything on the site as there were one or two spelling errors found in the testing and re-do the feedback form validation. Please have a look and comment if you have any improvements -

I knew Thursday would be another day of timed assignments because I overheard some comments made by Steve on the Wednesday afternoon. I quite like doing these timed assignments they seem to make the day go very quickly. I am not sure if I am any good at them at this stage however so I might be in for a disappointment when we get our results back.

The first thing we had to do was to create a masthead and layout for a newspaper. This meant creating a newspaper headline, setting up column guides, margins and gutters for text. We should have known by doing this that for the next task was to input some text and an image onto that template to create a newspaper front page.

I found this task fairly tricky because this is a typography unit so we will be getting marked on the quality of the layout. I found it hard to align all the text and get it looking professional without splitting too may words over two lines. I received feedback from Steve that rather than trying to edit the while block of text to remove hyphens it would be better to do small changes to paragraphs of the text and see if this works better.

With only one timed assignment left I am a little concerned that I have been doing more work on the design of these projects and not concentrating enough on the type and layout especially in my planning. I will try to typeface research and planning for the final task, what ever that may be?

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